Septic Tank Pumping Frequency Determination

15 October 2012, Comments 0

Septic Tank Pumping Performed Every Three years will Keep Your Septic Tank System In Good Working Order

Septic tank systems have been installed in approximately six of 10 properties within the United States.  Especially within the great Northwest territory of Washington State and especially in King County Wa, where septic systems are common. They are a clean and cost effective way to handle household waste water. Properly cared for septic tank systems will most likely provide a home many years of problem free management of household waste water. The most important factor of maintaining your septic system and drainfield is regularly scheduled septic tank pumping and septic system inspection by a certified King County septic system service.

Having the septic tank inspected by a certified King County septic tank pumping service professional on a regular basis will help you establish when septic tank pumping is needed. Most septic tank systems need to be inspected and pumped out about once every three years. Some septic tank systems with sophisticated mechanical components as in an ATU (Aerobic Treatment Units like the Whitewater system) will need to be inspected more frequently. The septic tank system’s design records should have a reference about the frequency of septic tank pumping and septic system inspection.

Septic Tank Pumping – Many homeowners want to know how frequently they should have their septic tank pumping done based on how many people live in the home. Various circumstances influence when a septic tank pumping is needed, so there is no specific answer for everyone. There are, however, ways to estimate when a septic tank will need pumping and items you can do to lengthen the time before septic tank pumping is required.  It is smart to not take a chance with the Septic tank system and have the septic tank pumping done every three years as recommended by the King County Health Department.

There are specific ways that your certified King County Septic Tank Pumping Professional will determine the needed septic tank pumping frequency for your specific family and septic tank system.  In order to have the septic tank pumping professional estimate how often your household should have the septic tank pumping performed, you will need to have the septic tank pumped out, at which time the septic system service professional will make that determination. As an example: an average 4 bedroom house will have (in King County WA) a 1000 to 1500 gallon septic tank and with a family of 4, can expect to have the septic tank pumped out, every 3 to 5 years of typical use.

The particular determining factors for septic tank pumping frequency is, the scum (top) and sludge (bottom) layers inside the septic tank. septic tank pumping   Septic Tank Pumping

The Septic tank pumping technician will check these layers during the septic tank pumping and inspection. The thickness of these layers are highly dependent of how the septic tank system is being used and what is being put down the household drains.  An additional determining factor in septic tank pumping frequency is the size of the septic tank in relation to the size of the household using the septic tank system. A septic tank system that is too small for the family size, will need to be pumped out much more  frequently. This situation is usually more prevalent in older homes built previous 1980.  After about 1980 the size of the home being built on the property is considered when a new septic tank system is installed.

The most important two things that effect the frequency of septic tank pumping are the number of people living in the home and how the septic tank system is being treated, such as the use of a garbage disposal, regular use of bleach and anti bacterial soaps, what type of toilet paper and the type of laundry and dish washing detergents. Of course as you would expect, the more people using the septic system, means additional waste water will be produced. This is not something you can do anything about, other than it is imperative to keep in mind when considering how often to schedule septic tank pumping and inspection of the septic tank system as well as use caution with household products and items that are flushed.

Use of the septic tank system is the one factor that homeowners can keep an eye on and regulate to help expand the frequency  between septic tank pumping. Managing the amount of water being used in the home and what is being put down the toilet, dishwasher, washing machine or sink and if a garbage disposal is being used is very important.

Water – Using high efficiency or water saving plumbing fixtures, such as toilets and faucets, will really decrease the amount of water that goes in to the septic tank. Fixing leaks and drips is an additional way to decrease the excess use of water that will cause the layers within the septic tank to become thicker faster.

Waste – Managing the solid waste that flows into the septic system is an additional method to make sure the septic tank system continues operating properly and to make sure that the scum layer inside the septic tank does not get so thick that it reaches the outlet baffle. Things that should by no means ever go into the septic tank that are either washed or flushed down the drain, are shown in an earlier post here: How to keep your Septic Tank System Healthy

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